About Me
Dr. Mary Grimberg

Dr. Mary Grimberg has worked with thousands of clients over the years in traditional orthopedic physical therapy setting treating thousands of people dealing with injuries, chronic pain and most musculoskeletal conditions.

But her clients with vulvas were not reaching the goals that she anticipated would happen based on the latest and greatest medical research.

That is when she realized that pelvic floor physical therapy was the next step in her career. Understanding the pelvis, pelvic organs and genitals in its relation to the body, vastly changed how people with vulvas were treated.

She realized they were not getting the holistic care they thought they needed.

By combining her strong orthopedic background with pelvic floor physical therapy was a game changer. People were getting better 10x faster and were more empowered than they have ever been in their bodies.

“You changed my life” was something that her clients would repeatedly say over and over.

She simply didn’t understand why, because what she was doing seemed like it should be the standard of care.

But it isn’t.

Healthcare for women and people with vulvas is completely different than care given to men.

She saw over and over, people being dismissed and not knowing which were the right questions to ask about their bodies, because the resources are minimal regardless of their socio-economic status.

She saw shame, guilt and fear building up in their bodies and realized that there needs to be more help besides generic PT exercises.

People needed to understand their bodies in order to active and fulfilling sex lives. And they needed to feel heard.

That was when Dr. Mary’s brand was born.

She grew up with in a very religious community that taught women to hide their bodies, to not “tempt” men sexually, and that sex was only for marriage.

The effect of purity culture translated into shame around sex, painful sex, body dysmorphia and a plethora of self-deprecating thoughts that was never ending.

After overcoming and working through all of the issues that occurred, she is passionate now to help others live empowered lives, in especially in fitness & sexually.

She found that understanding the body (including the genitals and pelvic floor), feeling safe in exercise, understanding the mind-body connection, & improving self-compassion, was a perfect recipe for empowerment.

Her goal is to help you feel confident in your body through: understanding how your inner thoughts and external stressors affect your body; knowing about your pelvic floor/organs work with the rest of your body, and feeling safe in all movements.

And on top of it all, having fun.

Dr. Mary is not only a physical therapist she is also has a podcasted, Sex & Wellness with Dr. Mary. She is a physical therapy practice owner of ResilientRx with 2 locations in Austin, Texas. She is also a public speaker, a continuing education instructor, and a soon-to-be author.

She resides in Austin, Texas, with her pup Ms. Maya Papaya. She enjoys hiking, tennis, piano, working out, traveling & stand-up comedy.

Public Speaking:

Why should hire Dr. Mary for your next event?

  • Self Care & Sexual Satisfaction – Understanding how taking time for yourself helps translate into a more meaningful life and increased sexual pleasure.
  • Understanding Libido – Learn how you feel day-to-day affects your sexual desire
  • Chronic Pain: “Why do I always hurt” – Understanding the physiology of how the emotional state can perpetuate chronic pain in the body